Pyrogiochi's Vulcano Moon

A conic fountain designed for indoor use.

I love indoor fireworks so when a conic fountain version of the popular ice fountain came along I jumped at the chance to test fire it!

For the uninitiated, ice fountains are small tubular fountains which are placed on cakes or clipped to bottles. They emit pretty silver sparks up to a foot or two in height with very low smoke and no hot fallout.

This version though, being conical in shape, promises so much more performance. Coming in a pack of two, Vulcano (that’s how it is spelled on the packet!) Moon stands at around 7cm tall and costs £7.99 for the pack.

Over to the video now. I fire one indoors and one outdoors:


Comments after I published this video confirm this possibly pushes the boundaries of what people expect from an indoor item. However I can confirm absolutely no damage was done by the fountain which behaved exactly like an ice fountain should: Hardly any smoke and no hot fall out. Just a bit bigger than a normal ice fountain! I did check the ceiling afterwards and it was fine, honestly.

I thought these were brilliant – they look impressive on the kitchen table and would be a great way to help celebrate any kind of party event.