Choosing Fireworks

Help and guidance on picking the right pyro for different types of firework display.

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Further information and next steps

I recommend that you start with the General Advice section above; in addition to advice that applies to most displays I’ll also run through how to research possible fireworks you can use by using retailer video clips or attending demo nights. Then for further ideas pick a display type from those listed that most closely matches what your event is.

You might also find the following articles useful which aren’t thumbnailed above:

Choosing fireworks to take to someone else’s display? See my Taking Fireworks To A Party article for some advice on what to pick.

If you’re restricted to indoors only, my Indoor Fireworks page lists the fireworks currently available that can be safely used indoors.

If you’re not sure whether you need to buy consumer fireworks or employ a professional team instead, the DIY or Professional Fireworks? guide will advise you further.

Once you’ve narrowed down what you need, the next step is buying fireworks before then setting up your display then firing them.